Music you have uploaded can only be played by you other YouTube Music users will not have access to your uploads.Your music uploads will not influence your music recommendations in YouTube Music.To search for music you’ve uploaded, click or tap “Uploads” after searching to view uploaded search results. In order to see your uploads in the YouTube Music app, you must be using the YouTube mobile version 3.51+ or newer.

To view or manage the music you’ve uploaded, go to Library Songs Uploads or Library Albums Uploads. If you wish to upload music, you can move your channel to a personal account.

You can upload up to 100,000 songs to your YouTube Music library.Music uploads cannot be completed in the YouTube Music mobile app.It would certainly be helpful for all users to be able to skip to the proper chapter without fast forwarding or doing post-processing to do that.For example, when you play the downloaded video with VLC, you may click Playback -> Chapter to choose which chapter you want to play.Enable chapter preservation in the downloaded video.Allavsoft allows to schedule a download to run during offpeak hours if your internet connection has 'Peak' and 'Off Peak' download limits.Download videos at the highest speed possible without any limitations.You may download and install PotPlayer to watch the VR 360 videos: Video > 3D Video Mode > Enable 3D Video Mode, SBS (Side by Side) Video > 360 Video Mode > Enable 360 Video Mode, Equi-Angular Cubemap 2x3 (Google Stereo).Copy and paste the YouTube VR video link to Allavsoft and click Download button, then it will download the VR videos to your computer.You can set automatically shut down computer after all the download tasks are finished, if you have lots of videos to download and want to leave your Windows on to download them.You can pause and resume downloading at any time.There is a built-in video player in Allavsoft for us to preview and playback the downloaded video files.