The application failed to start the first time it was running, but it functioned flawlessly after restarting. I started testing the software after it was installed by running it in trial mode. Jitbit macro recorder is very user-friendly, quick to install and use, and has a simple interface.

Jitbit is one of those wonderful freeware programs that offer a lot of flexibility and features. The first thing I discovered was that Jitbit could be used to record macros as well as repetitive chores.

I’ll explain how to use it in this article. It also works well with Windows Explorer, allowing it to be used as a task manager or to provide tool tips when in the Explorer. I use it for capturing audio and video as well as as a companion to Windows Task Manager, which is wonderful for automating various jobs. Macro Recorder is one of my favorite software utilities for Windows.

With the Jitbit Macro Recorder, you can record audio and video: