These three share the same conic case, while MyGica and GeniaTech devices get wider only around the IEC connector. Targetting a Mac OS audience, they are 5 to 6 times as expensive as the MyGica T230C which does feature IR support (and comes with a 28-button remote control). There is a version without IR called eyeTV T2, eyeTV T2 hybrid and eyeTV T2 lite (three names for the same hardware). The MyGica-branded device can be found on websites that ship hardware directly from China. Support for "T230C v2" has made it to the vanilla kernel in the fall of 2019. Although it has the same external appearence, it uses different hardware. The Geniatech T230C (also branded as MyGica T230C with a black case instead of a white one) is an evolution of Geniatech T230.

EyeTV T2, eyeTV T2 hybrid or eyeTV T2 lite PCB (bottom)