Literally, all you have to do is download all the files Setup-Intune.ps1 from my Intune folder to a local working directory of your choice (e.g. I collected these scripts and JSON’s into my own new GitHub repository, and included a “master” script entitled Setup-Intune.ps1 I wanted to make it even easier for you to get started with Intune, so I did you a solid, and created a few baseline policies (see footnote #1) in the form of JSON files, which you can import into your environment, using scripts that Microsoft provides freely on GitHub. This tool will pay you back bucket loads of time, if you could just start adopting it… “ Just look at all this wood I need to chop!“

“ Because I don’t have the time!” he replies. You have seen that old cartoon of a guy chopping wood with a dull axe, right? Someone asks, “ Hey guy, why don’t you just sharpen that axe?“ They would love to learn the new tools… but they just don’t have the time. I hear this kind of thing from a lot of IT admins and other consultants when I engage with them. So let’s talk about implementation and how you can get from point A to point B. I have previously covered the benefits of using Microsoft Intune to manage devices in a more “modern” way than what is available to you via traditional GPO. You do not need to download the JSON files separately, however they are provided for reference. UPDATE: I have updated the setup script to now be a single script, with the JSON files embedded within it. Which in turn is part of the Consultant’s Bundle. Update March 2023: Much of what is written here eventually became the basis for my SMB Guide to Threat Defense and Microsoft Defender.